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補習校での、友人、ハードルさんがフロリダへ来週引っ越します。IKEA であいました。ハードルさんには補習校をとおして、本当にお世話になりました。そして、補習校での頼りの友人でした。ですから、これから補習校人生が長い永井家にとって、ハードルさんがいなくなることは、さびしくて、そして、困る事でもあります。 

私なんか、ぼーとパンを食べていたのに、ハードルさんすばらしいです。 ありがとう。本当に









私の方は、、今年はかなりの時差ぼけでとても困っています。夜、眠れない、昼間、眠くてたまらないのに、昼寝をする訳にはいかず、、苦しい日々です。何か、特効があればおしえてほしいです。  2011年の日本はとてもいい物に成りました。心配していたメモリアル高校の旅行も無事に終わる事ができたこと。風評でかなり外国人観光客が少ない中、押し切って実行したこと、結果論ですが、よかったです。今年の生徒達はとてもいい子達ばかりで、私達も旅行を楽しむ事ができました。 晴奈は、中野小学校1年生に、順応し、楽しみました。日本の小学校1年生ということで、とても心配していた事はいうまでもありません.賢人の日本語力には、驚きました。ここだけの話、晴奈よりも上手なのでは??とおもうくらいです。おかげで、3才のクラスに入れていただけて、とてもラッキーでした。私の両親は70才をすぎましたが、私達に協力してくれて、そして、妹の力もあり、本当に、有り難いです。みんなに感謝して。追伸:私がこの夏一番うれしかったこと:私が桜川小学校6年生(今から32年前)の担任の先生とおあいできたこと!)


Japanese summer vacation starts!

Before going to the park here is the crew with the dog (the owner is the house infont of us). The summer has begun for Japanese kids. First day we spent time at the Showa park. 
It has been better weather than last two days. Definitely it is much cooler than last week. Our plan changed to the park from the pool. Kent wants to do same things as Hannah and Mako.
After the park we went to the community center called " Smile Showa". Daddy, you should come to this place with us next summer. We can do a lot. Like...

Yesterday Hannah, Mako and I joined the track practice by the running club I did speed work for my full marathon trainning (Oct 2). Hannah and Mako were with the short ditance group.
Hannah was timed. 


Kent and Hannah's School experiences

Yesterday was last day school/preschool for both kids. We are very pleased they had a great experience.
watanabe sensei

I had a conference with Hannah's teacher after school. Hannah did an excellent job! Her Japanese language is no problem just like a Japanese 7 years old kid. She worked well with her classmates. She had school lunch and blackboard responsibilities for her class. Her favorite classes/activities are pool, art and science. Her swimming skill is better than her classmates! (Thank you for Hudson YMCA!) Her artwork is marvelous! LOOK! 

She is very happy to have new paint sets. (They were great but  a bit expensive :( daddy) Her best  class  activity is the observation notes of “Morning glory” Every morning when she wakes up she goes to count how many  morning glory is blooming! 

Lastly, Each of her classmates wrote a letter for her :) These are very sweet!

Kent is at pre-school. He started Banana Class ( 2 years old class twice a week) . However he could move up to the 3 years old class ( every day class) since the teacher observed that Kent HAS skills as 3 years old. He followed the rules and enjoyed his classmates.
Album by Nozomi sensei
  Nozomi sensei made a wonderful photo album for Kent. 


Weekend acitvity and なでしこJapan!!

No school today for a national holiday as summer day. All kids are at pool! Kyoko and her husband took them out. Thank you very much. Here are some pictures.

pool at Shimizu park( Noda -Chity)
 They spent time at the showa community center as well. Hannah and Momo are playing badminton. Hannah really wants to become better at it. Daddy, would you play and coach her badminton skills?

Hannah made a rabbit, Mako and momo made an alephant at Showa community center
This is how to play with the craft
While two girls are playing badminton, Mako and Kent are playing together well.

Fishing game at the center
I also learned a new game called " マンカラ:Mancalaat the comunity center. The game is from Africa. I would like to get it Christams!

So far summer treats really good for us!!  LOVE IT!
YES GO なでしこ Japan! The game was amazing.  I watched a whole game!


Evening festival

This is our 4th year for the Kobato Yoochien summer enving fesival. Right after Kent's nap he wasn't happy to be there. He did not want to carry the Mikoshi(portable shrine) with his classmates. After seeing the goldfishes he become genki genki. Actually he is amzed by scooping gold fishes activity. He is very happy to  caught two gold fishes. 

 Hannah and Kent were playing the ball game. Hannah is cheering Kent. Both won the game to get small fireworks kit. They love to do the Japanese fire works. They wish to bring this kind of fireworks home.

 Next two pictures are with former senseis.
Mori -sensei is her last years teacher.
She crated a woderful class photo album for her. The album is all hand-made. It is an amazing product.

With Astushiba sensei. She was the teacher for Hannah for two year. She is teaching Kent now. 


Piano Recital

Three girls perforemed at the piano recitle. Hannah played the same two songs as she did last spring in U.S. Momo and Mako each performed two songs: One is classic, the other is J-pop. The recitle place was a good size of the community center in Koshigaya ( from Showa about 30 mintues train ride .) The band joined the students' piano to make J-pop piano performance fun. Hannah did't get the band support but the teacher played the piano with her.

She did better job at Spring concert. : ( It has been very busy since she came to Japan: School work, swiming lessons, playing with her cusins. etc..
She will try hard next year.  (Photo: with a piano teacher" Nahoko -sensei")

Hannah playing " Marching with my puppy"

The flower from sensei.

P.S oh..I saw a family who hosted Stephanie in 2008 Japan trip.
They are humble and appreciated the opportunity. :)


Kent’s hair cut and play at community center

After Hannah and Kent took a nap, we went to the newest community center by bike. Hannah borrowed momo’s bike. Hannah really wants to have her bike in Japan. So, “Daddy, can you bring the bike to Japan nest summer?” This is the message from Hannah. She tried badminton first time. She enjoyed it but needs more practice. Kent made a friend who is 9 month old baby at the center. Both had a fun time! 

Yes, Kent did a great job on his hair cut. The hair stylist is amazed how he is good at sitting quietly during his hair cut.
It has been very hot here in Japan. His hair cut makes him a bit cooler. 



I saw Chika today! It has been a long time. Last time I saw her was summer in 2008 before Kent was born. We had a lot of catching up. Lunch was a delicious curry udon bowl. This curry udon bowl was unique bit different from what we had before. Curry site <http://www.yoshinoya.com/senkichi/menu/index.html>. Check this out!  Chika had very unfortunate happening last spring therefore I am pleased to see her well and GENKI!! Also thank you very much for this relationship. We hope to see Chika,her two girls and her husband come to visit us in state.  ちかちゃん、ありがとう。来夏も、是非、会いたいよ。



Kyoto invited us for supper. After we ate we did the Japanese fireworks.  Kent has never done this before so he was so excite. Three girls also had a great time! We want to do it again!


Tokyo Disneyland

WOW! Tokyo Disneyland! It was sunny but very humid. We had a great time. We tried new 3D theater. It was worthwhile to wait the line about 50 minutes to get in. Yes, there were so many people. Therefore we could not get as much as rides we wish.  The Disney parade was amazing since none us haven’t seen it before. Some said that the Japanese Disney parade is very organized and entertained. We are very lucky to see this parade from the good spot. Check more  photos.