

We had a great time at LaLaport at Tokyo Bay. Hannah and Kent got to ride the train with us!

けんちゃんは恐竜の迷路へ. Kent played a dinosaur maze to find a dinosaur egg.

恐竜の卵の中に賢人が、、 How do Dinosaurs say I Love You?

At the Pokemon Center, Hannah and Mommy learned how to play Pokemon game. It's very complicated!

We met Hiroko's student Fred Lauer and his wife Chihiro-san! We celebrated their wedding at lunch. It was so nice to see Fred again and to meet Chihiro-san! The restaurant was called "Shirokujichū" and was very good.

Kent got his food in an airplane tray!

The street performer was very funny for the kids!

Walking down the street inside LaLaport. 

We had a fun time with Fred and Chihiro!! Thanks for meeting us, even after a long bike ride up a mountain the day before!

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