
Typical day for Hannah and Kent

Hannah's typical day 4th grader 

6:45 get up  7:00 breakfast 
7:40 leave house  4:00 home from school
(Mon) 5:00-5:30 piano lesson
4:00-5:00  abacus school 
6:00-7:00  swim class 
7:00 supper 8:00 dairy/reading
9:00 go to bed 

School : She is doing very welll. Please take a look at Hannah's unit tests for Social studies, science and Kanji! 

Piano : She is able to perform  " The entertainer" beautifully

abacus school: She is at the level 8. She likes to go to school since some of her old friend from previous elementary school are there. Today she timed the level 8 materials and did  a great job .

Swim : She is working on the correct form and stroke rather than improving time.
Specially she is focus on the breaststroke. 

Kent's typical day  

7:30 get up  8:00 breakfast 
8:40 leave house  3:00 home from school
(Mon) 5:30-5:30 piano lesson

5:00-6:00  swim class 
6:30 supper 8:00reading
9:00 go to bed 

Kent is enjoying his kindergarten. His best friend is Keijiro who is same class since his 3 years old.

making a fan for summer festival in August

music lesson 
We are very pleased that they are keeping up  a great job !

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